ObSAS LINK enables full wireless connectivity for all your handheld and portable
CBRNe detectors. Real-time data and location from every field unit streamed to your control center.
Cost Effective and Versatile
ObSAS LINK runs on any commercial off the shelf Android smartphones with an operating system 8 or higher, and on most of the customised rugged ones. Customer can either purchase their own phones or we can deliver our preferred ones as a complete package delivery.
The system is also ideal to be used with “burner” phones where the equipment can be discarded and destroyed after a recon mission as the client can easily be installed to a new device.
ObSAS LINK Key Features
- Quickly connect CBRNe devices to build a mobile network
- Real-time data stream to Control Center
- Map system with location services
- Client can handle different type of devices
- Execute pre-planned missions
- End-to-End encryption
Mobile CBRNe Network in Minutes
ObSAS LINK is a fast and intuitive way to connect all your handheld or portable CBRNe detectors into one modular monitoring system. Pairing devices to ObSAS LINK with Bluetooth allows you create a network that consists of multiple devices. This can be done in a matter of minutes. The information from all devices can then be forwarded to your ObSAS Situational Awareness System that is used by the control center.
Hardware independent
ObSAS LINK is brand agnostic and can connect multiple devices with different kind of technologies as part of a monitoring network. This allows you to choose the best available combination of devices to any given situation. With the help of ObSAS LINK the control centre can receive live readout from all field operators and multiple devices at once. This gives better overall situational awareness and increases the safety of the mission.
Always connected –
Always real time
ObSAS LINK connects to the control center via secure mobile connection. Data from the detectors transfers to mobile device with ObSAS LINK via Bluetooth connection. If the device does not have a Bluetooth connection it can be paired with our custom connector kit. Real-time data is readily accessible at a glance, and all information is instantly transmitted to the Control Center and other users.
Connect multiple CBRNe
detectors at the same time
The application can connect different type of CBRNe detectors and analysers simultaneously transforming each field unit into a mobile CBRNe monitoring station. The system can also works as a “drop in and forget” type of system where a series of detectors are connected to the client and left to monitor an area autonomously.

Supported Manufacturers
908 Industries
Bertin Environics
Smiths Detection
Teledyne FLIR
Thermo Scientific
If you wish to have your devices connected with ObSAS LINK
contact us at sales@observis.fi and let’s get your detectors online!
ObSAS Situational Awareness System for ObSAS LINK

ObSAS Situational Awareness System shows all connected ObSAS LINK units on the map interface. You are able to see their location, the route they have walked and their real time detection data. You can easily switch between units and focus on the data they are transmitting.
ObSAS LINK units can be connected to multiple ObSAS Situational Awareness Systems, for example a CBRNe reconnaissance vehicle. The control center in the vehicle can follow in real-time units connected to ObSAS LINK and the information they are receiving with their CBRNe devices.
If you have any questions or are interested for more information
please don't hesitate to contact us. We serve you worldwide.
+358 50 347 4702
+358 40 556 2580
+971 2 622 2302